Uniform and equipment
All students who attend Silverdale School in Years 7 through to 11 are expected to wear Silverdale School uniform. You can download a handy tick list of the uniform and equipment you need from the bottom of this page. Our Uniform Policy is available on the Policies page.
Uniform Tops
All students must wear a black polo shirt with school logo as a base layer.
For additional warmth, students can add a layer (or layers) from the following options:
- Black sweatshirt with school logo.
- Cardigan with school logo.
- Black uniform hoodie with school logo.
The top layer must be an item of uniform with the Silverdale logo.
The other parts of our uniform are:
- Black tailored trousers (loose fitting, plain style, not tight around the ankle, at least ankle length - no denim, jeggings, jeans or chino style).
- Black tailored shorts (loose fitting, mid-thigh length or longer).
- Black tailored skirts (no denim or tube skirts). With your arms straight by your side the skirt hem must come past your fingertips. Anything shorter will be considered too short.
- Plain religious headdress if appropriate. No other headwear is allowed.
- Tights must be plain black with no patterns or holes.
- Flat, plain, black shoes with no white or coloured logos, soles or markings.
Other items
- Jewellery: One wrist watch and one small pair of ear studs may be worn. No bracelets or any form of piercing allowed.
- Tights: Tights must be plain black and not patterned, with no holes.
- Coats: Appropriate outdoor coats (preferably black) should be worn outside. They must not be worn inside the building, apart from the dining room'
- Footwear: Students must wear flat, plain, black shoes with no white or coloured logos, soles or markings. Sandals and boots are not allowed. However, in adverse weather conditions, e.g. snow, appropriate footwear can be worn, but only to and from school. Students must wear suitable shoes which offer reasonable protection when participating in Design and Technology lessons in the workshop areas.
Examples of footwear that is NOT appropriate:
PE Equipment
- Black or grey Silverdale PE T-shirt / GCSE PE T-shirt.
- Black & white Silverdale long sleeved PE shirt.
- Thermal base layer (preferably black, but can be any colour - to be worn under grey PE t-shirt).
- Black Silverdale shorts *
- Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings (must be plain)
- Black or burgundy Silverdale Sport hoodie
- White or black socks of any length
* KS4 students can wear sports shorts - plain black. Skin-tight shorts are not allowed.
- Sports training shoes / Astroturf trainers.
- Rugby / Football boots for lessons on the field (optional – but advised)
No items of school uniform are to be worn as part of your PE kit. This includes: school jumper / hoody; school shoes; coat.
Mouthguards and shin pads:
We strongly encourage parents to purchase and reinforce the importance of wearing a mouth guard with their child, when taking part in curriculum hockey or rugby PE lessons.
Students taking part in extra curricula hockey or rugby fixtures and tournaments will be expected to have and wear a mouth guard in order to participate.
Shin pads are also strongly recommended for playing rugby and hockey.
What happens if correct school uniform is not worn?
We are confident that we can rely on the good sense of both pupils and parents to maintain acceptable standards. However, staff will carry out daily checks on uniform and incorrect uniform will be confiscated.
Hoodies and jackets will be kept in school until a parent can come into school to collect it – whilst incorrect footwear, trousers and skirts will be given back at the end of the school day. If uniform is available to be changed into, students will be provided with appropriate alternative uniform.
The usual school sanctions will apply if students do not wear the correct uniform. For more information see our behaviour policy on our policies page on the school website.
Ordering uniform
New school uniform
Uniforms can be viewed here and an order form can be downloaded from this page below. They can deliver to your home or into school during term time.
Please order well in advance of the start of the school year.
Second hand school uniform
We have a scheme in school where second-hand items of school uniform and PE kit can be purchased from our school reception. Availability does depend on the stock we have in at the time, however, we usually have the full range of school uniform and PE kit available. All items are clean, in excellent condition and available in a wide range of sizes.
If you would like to enquire about purchasing any items of uniform then please click here to email school, and include in your email information regarding the items, size and quantity you require. Our reception team will then gather together your order and send it home with your child when your order is ready. There is a small cost of £1 per item of uniform purchased, to be paid in cash to our school reception. All funds raised will be then donated to the Silverdale School PTA.
If you have any items of unwanted Silverdale School uniform / PE kit at home that remains in good condition but your child may have outgrown, then we welcome all donations to add to the current stock we have.
Other equipment
Students are expected to come to school with the correct equipment for learning. Every student must bring to school every day:
- a pen
- a pencil
- a ruler
- a pencil case
- a green pen
- a spare pen
- an eraser
- a scientific calculator
- a glue stick
- a highlighter
All students should put their pen, pencil and ruler on the table in form time and at the start of every lesson.
Use of mobile phones and other electronic devices
Teachers will make a decision in their class about whether mobile phones and electronic devices can be used. They will display a sign at the front of the class that denotes whether devices can be used, using a simple red and green system.
Headphones must not be visible inside the classroom. Students will be given one chance to put away a device and remove headphones. Failure to do so will result in the device/headphones being confiscated by the teacher until the end of the lesson. Refusal to hand over the device will result in the normal behaviour policy being applied.
Chewing gum
We remind you that chewing gum is a banned item in school. Students found with chewing gum will receive a detention.