IT support
Here you can find information about IT systems and support whilst we are running our Virtual School.
Google Classroom
You can log in to Google Classroom at:
Guidance for parents about getting your child started with Google Classroom is available here.
You can view a video about how students use Google Classroom below:
VIDEO: How to submit work in Google Classroom
This video shows you how to submit work in Google Classroom:
Students will have all their work set via Google Classroom. You will still receive a message on MILK informing you of the work set, but we believe a move towards Google Classroom works better than email for collecting the work and organising the work completed by your children.
Thank you for your patience while we make this move to Google Classroom. We really do believe it will make it easier for our students during this challenging time.
microsoft office 365: download or use online
Students can use the Microsoft Office 365 suite of programs online by using the remote student access to use additional programs. You can find out more about how to use Student Remote Access here.
If you want to download the Microsoft Office 365 suite of programs to your own laptop, computer or tablet, you can find out more about how to download Office 365 in this guidance document.
IT support
If you have a query about accessing our Milk homework, the Weduc communications app or the Office suite of programs please contact IT on:
forgotten your school login details?
Contact IT support via email:
Forgotton your Milk password?
There is a link on the log in page that will take you through to a page where you can reset your password.